Is It Worth It To Get A Fashion Trend Research Job?


A fashion trend research job sounds very interesting, but you need to ask yourself whether it’s really worth it. Firstly, you have to remember that a fashion job doesn’t pay you a lot of money. You can earn some tips and money in these jobs, but the real money comes from high-end fashion labels that outsource their work to people like you and me. These are the people that actually make the big dollars. If you think you could get paid for this sort of work, then why not just do it for free and save yourself some money?

Secondly, there are a lot of fashion trends that never even make it onto the big fashion magazines – they’re too embarrassing! Sure, there’s the odd thing here and there, but you’d rather be doing something more glamorous than sitting at home in front of your computer screen. Also, you’d rather be doing something exciting than sorting through piles of clothes with no end in sight. Unfortunately, there aren’t many fashion trend research jobs online, but luckily there are some high-paying positions at large fashion labels.

If you’re serious about breaking into the fashion industry, I suggest you do a small amount of research before you start applying. Find a few fashion jobs with smaller salaries, and apply for those. Don’t worry about rejection – the big fashion labels won’t hand over their money easily. You should also look on the internet for fashion industry blogs and such, because these will give you an idea of what sort of job prospects are available. Finally, remember to brush up your skills by reading books on fashion design and style. If you keep up with the latest books and articles in the world of fashion, you’ll have nothing to lose.
